TC Name: Sahra
RICA Domain:
Planning, Organizing and Managing Reading Instruction Based on Ongoing
RICA Competency:
Planning, Organizing and Managing Reading Instruction D.1, E.1
Grade Level:
isn’t a lesson but this is one tool that my cooperating teacher uses to make
sure that students are reading outside the classroom under the supervision of
parents/guardians. Our students are still at the beginning stages of recognizing
sight words and letter recognition; therefore at this stage most students will
be read to instead of actually doing the reading on their own. The teacher
enrolled the students in a reading program entitled, “Book-It.” This is a
program that gives children a free pizza from Pizza Hut for every 10 books they
this is a great incentive for children, my teacher requires that every two
weeks 10 books be read to the students and kept track of in the reading log, which the teacher
collects. This gives parents a role in their students learning to read because
the reading log requires a parent signature.
For this reading log the teacher does not care which books are read for
the first couple of months but as time goes by she increases the standard of
what the kindergarteners should be reading. She also does not count pages; she’s
more interested in the books they read instead of reading to a number page.
The teacher has a library that is used by the children daily if they finish
their center work early. They also have comfy rugs and big pillows that they
can lay on when sitting in the library corner. This gives the library a homey
feeling encouraging them to finish their center work faster so they can spend
time in the library.